For Anna Campbell / By: Adel A'zami

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adel azami

Anna!... Annaaa!

Anna isn't only a name from today.. I prommise you

Only a name that every day wakes up at 8/ Goes to do a normal work

-I'm sure you did it always  great-

The same Anna who brings sometimes to the Cafeَ Kino/ Smiles sometimes to the Cafeَ Kino

The same Anna who liked Bristol/ Liked sunshine of Bristol/ Liked the Bristol's loves/ And blond Bristle's hair combing

But you decided get out of everything one day/ Like any other bird

For any other bird

"Don't worry guys..we can fly"/ You told freinds

"Don't worry guys..we can fly"/ You told kids

"Don't worry guys..we can fly"/ You told trees

"Don't worry guys..we can fly"/ You told mountains

Then you flied/

Oh Anna/

Now the Kurdish rivers have blackened their hair

And now the trees.. the mountains/

The kids.. the friends/

The Bristol.. the Cafeَ Kino/

All have sworn to me: Spring that comes/

Will Pin up a smile af you/ To their hairs

And they'll write a poem with me/

For Anna

Don't worry guy.. You just fly.

For Anna Campbell / By: Adel A'zami