ترجمه شعر "گاهی نمی شود که نمی شود" مرحوم قیصر امین پور مترجم منیره بحر کاظمی

چاپ تاریخ انتشار:

monireh bahrkazemi

The Play of the World

Sometimes you don't expect, but it happens

Sometimes it mustn’t happen, and never happens

Sometimes everything’s ready without effort

Sometimes you must effort, till it happens

Sometimes it happens without any effort

Sometimes with a lot of effort it doesn't happen

Sometimes a hundred wishes are useless

Sometimes you don’t wish but it happens

Sometimes you're a beggar and fate is against you

Sometimes all the city begs and needs you

Sometimes I miss laughter and being glad

Sometimes I hate joys and like to be sad

Sometimes all the sky gets suddenly dark

Sometimes to breathe becomes too hard

It seems we've lost what is called youth

Time has flied and we have faced this truth

Does not matter where you are and what you do

Do not avoid love, that would bother you

ترجمه شعر "گاهی نمی شود که نمی شود" مرحوم قیصر امین پور منیره بحر کاظمی