شعری از «سهراب سپهری» ترجمه به انگلیسی «محدثه محمدعلی پور»

چاپ تاریخ انتشار:

 “The Address” by Sohrab Sepehri

“Where the friend’s house is?”

At dawn,

Asked a cavalry man.

The sky paused.

To the gloomy of sands

Granted his light wing

A passerby swing.

“Before a poplar” , pointing to a tree he said

“will be a garden path

Greener than the God’s dream hath

And blue as the wings of truth

Is love there.

Walk then till the end

Puberty comes up from behind

Turn to the flower of solitude

Two steps to the bloom

By eternal fount of the land’s myths

You’ll stay and feel fray

And in fluid intimacy of space

You’ll see a child’s face

Climbing up a tree of wild

Picking a chick of right

From the nest of light

Then ask him dear:

Where the friend’s house is?”.